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Guru Nanak Jayanti Greeting Cards and Wishes For Whatsapp and Facebook 2024

"There is one God, Eternal Truth is His Name; Maker of all things, fearing nothing and at enmity with nothing; Timeless is His Image; Not begotten, being of His own being; By the grace of the Guru made known to men. As he was in the beginning, the Truth; So throughout the ages He ever has been, the Truth; So even now he is the Truth Immanent; So for ever and ever, He shall be Truth Eternal."

These words express the basic belief of Sikhs. To them idolatry is forbidden. True worship consists in singing God's praises and in meditating on His Name. To realize Him speculation is useless, and so are also all pilgrimages, fasting and celibacy. Celebrate this auspicious occasion of the Guru's birthday with your loved ones and family and do not forget to send them these thoughtful free online e-cards. Do not forget to share these greeting cards to WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and other social media.

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Guru Nanak Jayanti Wishes and Greetings for WhatsApp, Facebook

Card for Guru Nanak Jayanti themed with Golden Temple

Hapy Guru Nanak Jayanti!

May Guru Nanak grant all your wishes now and always!


Guru Nanak Jayanti greeting card for WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest

Have a Blessed Guru Nanak Jayanti!

May you find peace and happiness with Guru Nanak's blessings


Beautiful card with a beautiful quotation of Guru Nanak Ji

Quotes of Guru Nanak Ji

Without a Guru none can cross over to the other shore.


Guru Nanak Jayanti card for WhatsApp and Facebook

Blessings of Guru

May you see the golden days of life always with the Guru's blessings!


Greeting card on Guru Nanak Ji's Birthday

Best wishes

May be the blessing of Wahe Guru be with you. Best wishes on Guru Nanak Ji's Birthday


Greeting card themed with Guru Nanak Jayanti

Achive Your Goals

May Guru Nanak Ji inspire you to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams.


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